Monday, May 14, 2007

A Swiss Trip to Arenal

Does this image look familiar? This weekend, I headed back up into the mountains (this time to La Fortuna to see Arenal and enjoy more of the mountains). It's around the lake from Monteverde. 4 swiss students invited me to join them. They all speak German, English and some Spanish. Being the only American, I'm glad I brought my iPod for the quiet times (or the German times, depending on how you look at it). Oh sure, they spoke English well enough and often enough.

It's been interesting spending so much time with non-Americans. In Antigua, it was mostly Sweeds and French Canadians. Here it's Germans and Swiss. It's good for me really. It's funny (for lack of a better word) how their opinions differ from any american "norm." Of the non-Americans I've met, few would likely understand or associate themselves with either political party in the US. We (Americans) are a strange breed. Most non-Americans like Americans - but often have problems with our government. I guess (on one hand) I'm greatful for that (since it means they don't international politics against me).

Granted, I think it's an odd way to look at the world: considering governments and peoples in separate categories (especially concerning Americans who should believe in govermentment of the people, by the people, for the people).

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