Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I went surfing today for the second time. It was relatively uneventful (mainly because I had to get to class before the "good" waves arrived). But, anyhow - I went.

Then, afterwards - I was getting cleaned up (using the showers at the school to wash off the sand and salt, etc... As I was getting dressed, I looked down at my sandals (which I had taken and rinced while I washed - and this is what I saw. Look really close - maybe click on the image for the bigger view!

Um, hello - he was sharing the shower with me!!!!!

Online, it says that that their stings are relatively harmless to humans; stings produce only local effects (such as pain, numbness or swelling). Funny thing, that's not what I thought. Nor did I feel like testing the theory that "if you read it online it must be true."

So, I let the maintenance guy take care of it - which he did by picking it up with his hands and taking it away.



Anonymous said...

I would DIE! Though you should not let that deter you from letting me be a travel companion again!

bohdimlh said...

Yeah, no sweat Dave. They’re not poisonous (at least not deadly) in Costa Rica, unlike the American red scorpion. When we first moved there my dad was bit and called a friend at work to see how long he had to live. His friend just laughed at him, then told him not to worry.... “It’ll make you a bit sick maybe, make your tongue swell up, that’s about it.” But I know that baby ones are more poisonous than adult ones and that one looked pretty