Friday, March 30, 2007

How Did the Sawdust Kill the Clown?

Yes, my hands are turning blue. In fact, I leaned (and forgot) the word for Smurf today. What are we doing, you ask. Well, you see... The carpets for the processionals (the real, professional ones) are made of sawdust. They take HOURS to prepare and they aren't the quick-and-dirty family affair I wrote about last weekend. I hope to get some pictures of my own to post later, but just believe me - they are a big deal.

Anyhow, the school offered to "teach" us how the sawdust is colored to be used later as "paint." Well, it was a bit of a Tom Sawyer moment for all of us, because we soon found ourselves elbow-deep mixing
dye, water, and sawdust - by hand. It was actually fun and, luckily, they told us in advance to be prepared to get dirty (which I was and did). My hands are now a nice shade of purple (we mixed red and blue sawdust) and I'm hoping the cheap-o tooth brush I bought will help me get under my nails and clean up a little more. I'm afraid, though, that I might just have to accept my new skin color for the next couple of days (they say it goes away in about two days).
PS - If you're wondering about the clown... It's my favorite Yes/No riddle and I'll do it for you sometime, just remind me the next time you see me.