Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Brain Hurts

Freddy (my teacher) asked if he could have Friday off (for a school assignment - he's attends University). Sure, but to make up for it, we've switched to 6 hours a day this week to get the hours in. I'm not sure if I like it or not. There's a limit to how fast I can absorb things, and I think 5 hours of content might have been pushing it.

On the other hand, there's an up-side to the 6 hour day: It's 4 hours in the morning and then 2 in the afternoon. It's easier on the brain (daily), since 5 hours straight got pretty draining towards the end of the 5th hour, but it might be too fast to grasp...

I'm thinking about switching up to 6 weeks for a few weeks in the future, but we'll see...

The down side to afternoon classes is that I can't go on some of the school trips. For instance, today they went (without me) to three museums. Granted, I can probably hit them on my own, but it's fun doing stuff with other students (like my friends from the Atitlan trip).

Today we spent a lot of time dealing with irregular verbs and the past tense. The number of words I should know (but don't) is mounting. I'm wondering if the "best" way to do this "learn spanish in a foreign country" thing is to do it a-few-weeks-on and then a few-weeks-off... constantly alternating so as to allow time to catch up and absorb things?

We also spent more time that I would have liked just "chatting." I suppose it's good practice, but I sometimes wonder if it's too inefficient.

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