Thursday, March 29, 2007

Buena Vista!

Somehow I got so lucky as to plant myself in the same town as Beuna Vista Social Club (or members thereof). The play weekly at several bars (read as "clubs") in town and last night a group of us went for dinner and a show. Yes, dinner and music and dancing for a grand total of $8.66 (or if you're not eating or drinking: $0.80). Beat that! And it was dang good curry!

Anyhow, they started playing at 9 and they were still going strong when we left after mignight. I would have loved to stay later, but you know: school at 8 has its downside! 3 to one odds, I wasn't complaing. The only downside - I really school have taken more dance classes and paid more attention to rythym in my younger years!

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