Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My Brian Hurts

I had 7 hours of class today (to make up for some of the time I took off for my adventure to Tikal and Rio Dulce)... For the record... 7 hours of Spanish class is too much for this boy´s 3 lb. mass of grey matter. I think a nap is in order.

I´m still with my second teacher, Carlos, and I expect to finish up my time at La Union with him. Today, we studied (among other things) prepositions. And really, what could be so hard about a few prepositions? Well, it turns out this is the 3rd time I´ve gone over a lesson on the uses and differences of ¨por¨ and ¨para¨ (once with Fredy, once alone - in my language book from the states, and now with Carlos).

Anyhow, it all makes sense on paper (or white board - if that´s your thing), but getting my tongue, and my brain to agree with the rest of the Spanish speaking world is proving a bit difficult. Oh well, in time...

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