Saturday, April 7, 2007

Alfombra de La Union

Last week, we colored sawdust for the upcoming La Union Alfobmra (alfombra). Thursday afternoon - we made our carpet for one of the processions that passed by the school.

Although I had class in the afternoon while they were starting, I joined later in the day to help finish it up. It rained on and off during the afternoon while we were working on it, and that had people worried, but it all worked out in the end. It was a lot of fun for everyone, but I will say - my back hurts.

Here's how it works... Lay down a base of uncolored sawdust, sprinkle base coats of various colors, fill in molds with various colors to make patters, decorate with flowers or plants, make sure no-one falls on it, or drives over it until a processional arrives. Pretty straight forward...

Our carpet wasn't outstanding, but it was pretty good for a bunch of ameteur alfombra makers from all over the globe! We had a little trouble creating our collage of international flags, but worked out in the end. Though I will say: It's hard to make flags when you run out of white sawdust (Japan, Canada, Korea, Isreal). You need white sawdust to make white flags. And so what if the american flag is Red/White/Green or someone (I) used black (instead of blue) on the Korean flag... Inthe dark, it all works out to be just "dandy."

Overall, we (the school) spent about 6 hours on it. It's very possible that our carpet was the thinkest and deepest carpet of the entire city. We had so much sawdust as a foundation it took (when the cleanup crew came) 3 loads into a backhoe to clear all the debris!
And here are some photos of other fine carpets around the city...

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