Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Books to Learn From

I'm falling behind in my self-assinged homework. I brought a book with me from home to suppliment my studies at the school. Not that the school isn't fantastic, but I really like the book to add to what I'm learning in class. The english explainations and plethora of exercises are fantisticly helpful. I'm 3 weeks into a 9 week study program. In some ways, I think the process is far too slow and tedious and in other ways, I'm very happy with how things are coming along. I hope to finish the content of the book wihtin the next week or so. By then, I hope to finally have basic grammar (past, present, future, imperfect, etc...) figured out. Then, I suppose the fact that I don't know enough words will really start to hit home.

On another note, Emma loaned me 3 choice childrens' books this week. I'm giddy with excitement over the experience of reading books in Spanish and
1) understanding them
2) re-living the excitment of reading books for the first time (somehow reading a book in Spanish feels like the first time all over again).

The books?
1) Jorge el Curiouso
2) Donde viven los Monstruos
3) Juevos verde at jamon

I don't have them with me, so I don't guarantee my spelling, but still - nothing as entertaining as reading Curious Geoge, Where the Wild Things Are, and Green Eggs and Ham - in Spanish!!!!!!

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