Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Street Carpets

I figure the photos might interest some. These carpets can take from 1 hour to 10 hours to make. I'm putting a bunch of photos here to let you get a feel for the variety. In some ways, the smaller ones remind me of a family christmas tree (or maybe a christmas light display)... try to make it cool but run the risk of being too creative. Most families do their own version, their ownway. Some are cool, some not as much. The only differnce (between these and christmas trees and christmas light displays) is that these are destroyed moments after they're completed.

The other interesting things is seeing how normal people take it that they often run into closed roads for such creations. Try to imagine (for a moment) Kilbourne Ave, or Overland Drive, or 7th North closed for a day so that people could decorate the street. Not likely. People seem to take the traffic disruption of Holy Week in stride. It's just the way things are in Antigua.

Anyhow, it's interesting and cool to simply wander the streets and see the various creations. Our school is doing one on Thursday. So, I'll get to see how true the statement is "everyone likes to make carpets for Jesus."

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