Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's no "Tour de France"

Today, we rented some bikes and went for a tour of the southern part of the city. This was cool for a variety of reasons:

1) I can say I'm still training for a future triathlon. I may not be running, swimming or biking daily, but since I was late for dinner last night (I got to run home) and we did this bike tour today, I've hit two out of three.

2) We went south out of the main city, so we saw stuff most people probably miss on a visit to Antigua.

3) We had the usually entertaining antics of Alfredo from the school.

4) These bikes weren't exactly top-notch, but even that made for an interesting ride around town.

This morning on the way to school, my roommates and I actually saw a kid get hit by a car. Things are kinda crazy on te streets here. Granted, everything moves in slow motion (which is a very good thing for this morning). He walked/rode away unharmed (relatively speaking), but he was obviously irate (and rightly so).

Anyhow, our ride was relatively unevntful, though we did see goats, old buildings, coffee plants, and we got an education in far-out stories about kidnappings, illegal adoptions, and organ theft. I don't know what's true and what's not, but that's half the fun!

The buildings are really amazing (or rather, they certainly were in their time). Instead of stone, they used bricks and then covered them to look like stone. They seriously put a lot of work into these buildings. It's too bad time has taken such a toll on them. Many of the churches are far out of the city and no one really "uses" them anymore and so they're actually locked up to hopefully preserve what's left.

Anyhow, that was my afternoon. I sprinkled on us and I feared a downpour, but all worked out fine.

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