Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New Family - And monrings

Well, I finally arrived in Tamarindo and found my new home. I am now the only student living with a family in Santa Rosa (near but not in Tamarindo). They have 6 kids, but only the 3 youngest daughters still live at home. So it's those 5, me, and all the animals and neighbors. I guess you could call it a farm, or at least say "It's in the 'country.'"

I wake up every morning at 5:15 to the roosters (and the dogs) singing praises to the approaching sun. Needless to say, that means that my 9:30 I'm complete exhausted and ready for bed. Today, we had the added adventure of a whole road crew (including flat-roller and bulldozer) rumbling down the street at 6:15. They "finally" decided it's time to pave the road - in my honor I guess. At fist it seemed like a minor earthquake, but eventually I figured out that they were just going back and forth in front of the house with heavy equipment.

I asked if this was a normal thing, or maybe something they did annually. Nope, it's a first. Thus, it's not just upkeep for the dirt road, they're prepping for a real road!

Fun times.

Anyhow, I gotta run:
1) the power's about to go out
2) we have a bon fire on the beach as an after-school activity

PS Have I mentioned how much I (don't) like bon fires... Oh well, the things I do as part of the "school" experience!

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