Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Don't take electricity for granted. Yup. That's what I said. It turns out that Costa Rica is in the midst of a bit of a power "crisis."

I have no idea what the real science/politics are behind it, but here's how it works... The power goes out (city wide, and perhaps country wide) for 3-4 hours a day (most days). Period.

I wanted to blog a few first impressions on Tuesday, but wouldn't you know it - no power, during my non-school hours. It also puts a damper on lunch-time meals (I'm not provided a lunch here like I was in Guatemala, I have to fend for myself). Restaurants have a hard time preparing food without electricity.

In theory, the power is going off in 30 minutes, so hopefully I can get enough done before "lights out."

Yes, I have a flashlight. Oh wait. Darn. No I don't. I left it at home today (because I thought, "Who needs a flashlight during the day.")

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