Sunday, May 20, 2007


I think I detailed the electric showers of Guatemala, but I may not have mentioned that in Costa Rica there was no hot water (heated by a water heater, that is). This really wasn't a problem though, since the days were 90-ish degrees and the unheated water was about actually nearly 80 degrees (and the last thing anyone really wanted, in the heat of Costa Rica ,was a hot shower - or anything else to make them hotter than they already were).

Even so, one of the things I was looking forward to upon my return (by the way, I'm back) was a nice leisurely hot shower (this is America after all). Well - this was not to be. You see - if you want hot water for your hot shower, you have to pay the gas company. And well...

It seems that Friday... The gas company finally decided it would teach my roommate a lesson about not paying bills. Perfect timing! So - I guess those "cold" showers in Costa Rica were good practice for the one I just took. Granted, I think the water was closer to 60 degrees this time around and the apartment is a balmy 72 degrees right now...

So yeah... It was cold. In theory we'll have hot water again on Monday. However, if I stink a bit on Monday - you'll know why. One cold shower was enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! And shame on your roommate!