Thursday, December 25, 2008

Travel, Work, Sleep

Rachel and I went to Nepal with two of her co-workers. Ted and Hassan are working with her at Booz Allen Hamilton - doing consulting work for the governement (not the U.S. government... the Abu Dhabi government). Crazy world that the UAE brings in a team of Americans to revamp their workflow processes! Nevertheless, they do - and I'm glad they do, since it affords me the opportunity for a trip like this.

Anyhow, the four of us met up in Kathmandu and saw the sights. Odd thing about it - the three of them kept pulling out their laptops at night to work. Really. I'd go to bed after a long day of walking, buying, picture taking, and other exhausting travel "stuff" and they would dive in on Powerpoint and whatever else they "do." The hotels all had free wireless, so they were in (relatively speaking) heaven. How crazy is that? Go all the way to Nepal, to do a spreadsheet and/or revise a presentation on HR management expectations...

But again, no complaints here - but I was amazed at how little sleep Rachel got (yet survived on). She kept reminding me, "We're in Nepal... even though I have to work, I'm not going to miss out on this. I may never be back." And so we packed in 4 full days (and she added a few full nights as well). I suspect she's working through Christmas as well (in Idaho, nonetheless), but hopefully she'll get some sleep: since she barely got any while I was there.


Rachel said...

sleep is for wussies, totally over-rated...ha.

Sara said...

She is a goddess, and as such, does not need sleep.