Thursday, February 7, 2008

Compilation Video

Wow, instead of writing everything up, I should have just made a video of all my photos. Luckily, Joshua Bruce, one of my fellow servants did so with his many vids and photos. This pretty much shows it all.

In addition to his video, all my videos and photos are also viewable here. The whole collection is there, but I've also made a few "highlights" albums to speed of the browsing process. Look at whatever interests you!



Sara said...

What a beautiful video. Wow. I LOVE that my kids can live vicariously through you.

earlofsandwhich said...

Wow, I just viewed that video for the first time. It is indeed amazing. I feel the same way as you: why write up all those things when it is all right here, with some of the music no less. (Unfortunately some of those files were the files that were lost on my camera during some transfer. bleh) Thanks for posting this. I too plan to post this on my blog. Hope all is well out in LA.

Jessica said...

I loved your video! Where are you going next?!