Saturday, November 29, 2008

Internation "Date Line"

OK, laugh with me - the actual internation date "line" is somewhere near Alaska or Tahiti, but when you hop on a 15 hour flight, you might as well assume there's a date change (espcially if you're heading east). Well, it turns out my flight to Yemen left without me - 14 hours before I landed. Ooops. And I thought I was being all "good" keeping track of such things. Are we laughing yet!?. Doh!

Oh well. Frankly, this is the part of international travel that I love - the renegotiating plans en route. A small "cancellation fee" and booking a diffent flight with a different airline and I should have it all worked out.

Perhaps it's the travel gods trying to tell me not to go to Yemen. I'm not listening.

On another note, my email doesn't seem to work (today, at this moment, in this internet cafe) - so, well... yeah... I guess that's the email gods telling me to leave you and your mesages behind and enjoy myself.

For the moment, I think I'll listen to theses gods.


Anonymous said...

Doh! What a start, lol. -
I'd like to say hopefully that's your last missed connection but let's be realistic. Can't believe you are fitting in nepal- hope its not royal nepal airlines! Crikey.

Cheers & bon voyage, Yiga

catharooni said...

always good to start a trip with a self-deprecating experience ... have fun!!